NOTICE: Wire fraud is still a very real threat! Learn more about how to avoid wire fraud by clicking ‘Read More.’

Title insurance rate calculator

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Explore All Services

Crimson Title Services offers a variety of Real Estate Services

Crimson Title Insurance protects the buyer or lender of a property from financial loss if there are any problems with the title to the property.

By choosing Crimson Title Services and understanding the terms of your escrow agreement, you can be sure that your funds or assets are safe and secure

Crimson Lender Services is determined to provide borrowers with the best possible deal on their loan as well as on-time, accurate documentation. 

Our escrow teams are available to provide timely and helpful information to realtors in all things related to real property ownership, liens, taxes, settlement statements, and other recorded documents.

Crimson Builder Services works with the top builders and developers in Utah. We are positioned to solve all sorts of problems before properties are recorded with the county. 

Crimson Commercial Services provide all of the essential title services for the biggest real estate transactions in Utah, including loan origination, funding, underwriting, forbearance, and more

Ready to get Started?

Contact us to learn how Crimson Title Services can help you.

Contact us to begin your order or learn more about our team by following the links below.